Position | Name | Score |
11 | DoubleEagle16 | -6 |
22 | Air Bud: Chicken Wingin' It | -4 |
33 | TDadz14 | 0 |
T3T3 | Pimento Boy | 0 |
55 | MoneyMills | 2 |
66 | If you ain’t first you’re last | 4 |
77 | Many Pines | 6 |
88 | Gold Jacket Green Jacket | 7 |
99 | MTTeam | 8 |
1010 | tdudz | 9 |
T10T10 | DudzInDaH0le | 9 |
T10T10 | Aged Tuna | 9 |
1313 | Barnett | 11 |
T13T13 | obKNOXious | 11 |
1515 | Kief | 12 |
T15T15 | Eagles Rare | 12 |
1717 | Moore4u-2 | 13 |
1818 | That’s leaky left | 14 |
1919 | The Grizz | 15 |
2020 | Picking with a Slice | 16 |
T20T20 | TeacherLife | 16 |
2222 | TheMaster | 18 |
2323 | SuperT | 19 |
T23T23 | The Great Golfing Glamour Girls | 19 |
2525 | Hidden Valley Honey | 20 |
T25T25 | Under Siege | 20 |
T25T25 | Wimbledon | 20 |
2828 | Moore4u-1 | 21 |
2929 | Detroit Truth | 22 |
3030 | Mikey Mike UF | 24 |
T30T30 | John Rae | 24 |
3232 | Seegerams | 26 |
3333 | Jugston | 28 |
T33T33 | Breakfast ball | 28 |
T33T33 | Magnolia Pain | 28 |
3636 | A Malnati for your thoughts | 29 |
3737 | bryyantt | 30 |
3838 | Ballyhack Lester | 31 |
T38T38 | MLKMN24 | 31 |
4040 | Two Putt Tuten | 32 |
4141 | TheyCallMePathfinder | 34 |
T41T41 | Hitters Only | 34 |
4343 | DaPimentoCheez | 36 |
4444 | Uncle Grillo | 37 |
4545 | Double bogey | 38 |
T45T45 | Go Hard or Go Gnome | 38 |
T45T45 | Kirkland Signature | 38 |
4848 | benner | 39 |
4949 | It’s the f’ing Catalina Wine Mixer! | 40 |
5050 | Shmashters | 41 |
5151 | Play Faster | 45 |
5252 | Drive for Show, Pick Winners for Dough | 46 |
5353 | omgniki | 47 |
5454 | Ca$hmere Barbie | 48 |
5555 | Bunker Busters | 49 |
5656 | WHOZYOURCADDY | 50 |
T56T56 | FORE! Profit | 50 |
5858 | Smackin Whitey | 52 |
T58T58 | Team shankapotamus | 52 |
6060 | MLKMN24-2 | 54 |
6161 | Adam Greene | 58 |
6262 | Shooter McGavin | 60 |
6363 | Flaming Elmos | 61 |
6464 | Colorado High Drives | 64 |
T64T64 | Three putt kings | 64 |
T64T64 | jguess | 64 |
6767 | 3PuttMax | 67 |
6868 | AmenCoroner💀 | 71 |
T68T68 | omgcarrie | 71 |
7070 | The one to beat | 74 |
7171 | Only here for the Azaleas | 76 |
T71T71 | All Show, No Dough | 76 |
7373 | PMP | 87 |
Name | Total | Hole | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | |
1 | Joaquín Niemann | 4 | F | -2 | 6 | -1 | 1 |
2 | Matt Fitzpatrick | 4 | F | -1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
3 | Bryson DeChambeau | -2 | F | -7 | 1 | 3 | 1 |
4 | Chris Kirk | 2 | F | 2 | 3 | -4 | 1 |
5 | Tom Kim | 5 | F | 0 | 6 | 5 | -6 |
6 | Brooks Koepka | 9 | F | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 |
7 | Jake Knapp | 13 | F | 2 | 4 | 6 | 1 |
8 | Christo Lamprecht(A) | 24 | 2 | 6 | 8 | 8 |
On Team:
tdudz, TDadz14, obKNOXious, Three putt kings, The Great Golfing Glamour Girls, Go Hard or Go Gnome, Moore4u-1, Moore4u-2, Air Bud: Chicken Wingin' It, Jugston, Gold Jacket Green Jacket, Bunker Busters, Kirkland Signature, The Grizz, Picking with a Slice, MTTeam, DudzInDaH0le, MLKMN24, Kief, Breakfast ball, Double bogey, John Rae, All Show, No Dough, Barnett, benner, Eagles Rare, MoneyMills, Flaming Elmos, If you ain’t first you’re last, Magnolia Pain, TeacherLife, Colorado High Drives, FORE! Profit, Pimento Boy, SuperT, Two Putt Tuten, Many Pines, A Malnati for your thoughts, Smackin Whitey, Play Faster, Wimbledon, 3PuttMax, Shmashters, Under Siege, TheMaster, Drive for Show, Pick Winners for Dough, DoubleEagle16
On Team:
John Rae, Adam Greene, TheMaster, Mikey Mike UF
On Team:
omgniki, MTTeam, Pimento Boy, A Malnati for your thoughts, DoubleEagle16
On Team:
PMP, obKNOXious, bryyantt, Bunker Busters, MLKMN24-2, Kief, That’s leaky left, TeacherLife, SuperT, Many Pines, Ballyhack Lester, DoubleEagle16
On Team:
MTTeam, MLKMN24, Detroit Truth, Two Putt Tuten, Many Pines
On Team:
Moore4u-2, Air Bud: Chicken Wingin' It, Aged Tuna, benner, SuperT
On Team:
obKNOXious, Kirkland Signature, Ballyhack Lester, Shooter McGavin
On Team:
Jugston, Kief, Team shankapotamus, Ballyhack Lester
On Team:
Bunker Busters, Eagles Rare, Under Siege, Mikey Mike UF, DoubleEagle16
On Team:
omgniki, Go Hard or Go Gnome, bryyantt, Ca$hmere Barbie, The Grizz, Breakfast ball, The one to beat, Hitters Only, Team shankapotamus, That’s leaky left, Eagles Rare, MoneyMills, Flaming Elmos, Magnolia Pain, Pimento Boy, Two Putt Tuten, TheyCallMePathfinder, Hidden Valley Honey, Wimbledon, Shmashters, Shooter McGavin, DoubleEagle16
On Team:
WHOZYOURCADDY, Moore4u-1, Eagles Rare, FORE! Profit
On Team:
tdudz, Three putt kings, The Great Golfing Glamour Girls, Moore4u-1, bryyantt, Jugston, Gold Jacket Green Jacket, Picking with a Slice, DudzInDaH0le, MLKMN24, Kief, Double bogey, benner, If you ain’t first you’re last, Magnolia Pain, TeacherLife, SuperT, TheyCallMePathfinder, Smackin Whitey, Play Faster
On Team:
tdudz, TDadz14, Moore4u-1, Kirkland Signature, Ballyhack Lester
On Team:
Only here for the Azaleas, PMP, Three putt kings, omgniki, Go Hard or Go Gnome, Moore4u-1, bryyantt, Bunker Busters, DaPimentoCheez, MTTeam, DudzInDaH0le, MLKMN24, MLKMN24-2, Kief, Breakfast ball, Double bogey, All Show, No Dough, The one to beat, Adam Greene, Barnett, benner, Flaming Elmos, Magnolia Pain, Detroit Truth, TeacherLife, FORE! Profit, TheyCallMePathfinder, Many Pines, Seegerams, Ballyhack Lester, Hidden Valley Honey, Smackin Whitey, Play Faster, 3PuttMax, Shmashters, Shooter McGavin, It’s the f’ing Catalina Wine Mixer!, TheMaster, Drive for Show, Pick Winners for Dough
On Team:
Moore4u-2, MoneyMills, Flaming Elmos, Many Pines, Uncle Grillo
On Team:
PMP, obKNOXious, omgniki, Jugston, The Grizz, Hidden Valley Honey
On Team:
Go Hard or Go Gnome, Moore4u-2, Kirkland Signature, AmenCoroner💀, benner, MoneyMills, Wimbledon
On Team:
PMP, Bunker Busters, Kief, Adam Greene, A Malnati for your thoughts, 3PuttMax, TheMaster
On Team:
Only here for the Azaleas, PMP, Three putt kings, Air Bud: Chicken Wingin' It, omgcarrie, AmenCoroner💀, Breakfast ball, Double bogey, John Rae, All Show, No Dough, The one to beat, Hitters Only, Adam Greene, MoneyMills, Magnolia Pain, TeacherLife, FORE! Profit, Pimento Boy, SuperT, TheyCallMePathfinder, A Malnati for your thoughts, Smackin Whitey, 3PuttMax, Shmashters, Shooter McGavin, It’s the f’ing Catalina Wine Mixer!, TheMaster, Drive for Show, Pick Winners for Dough
On Team:
Jugston, Bunker Busters, MLKMN24-2, The one to beat, benner, SuperT, Many Pines